Molokai High School

Capstone Project


The Capstone Project consists of four components: Product, Paper, Portfolio, and Presentation. The first step in the process is deciding on a topic for the Project and a commitment to a tangible Product that the student will complete. This leads to a research Paper on the topic, an on-line Portfolio about what the student has learned and experienced during the process, and a Presentation of their Senior Project to a community panel of adults. Students will be working on these components in their senior CTE, Social Studies, and English classes, with on-campus mentors, and on their own time outside of school.

Capstone Experience Descriptions

College &

Reflect on your high school growth, learning and experiences related to your college and career goals using your Personal Transition Plan (PTP) site.

Business Enterprise/ Virtual Enterprise

Develop a business and start up a business with the guidance of a teacher and a business partner. The business may be online only (virtual enterprise), or in a physical location. The student will meet all requirements for establishing a business.

Community Service

work with a non-profit community agency to create innovative solutions or enhancements to existing programs, promote social/community/global awareness and responsibility, or inspire engagement in social/community/ global solutions.

Learning via

Spend a minimum of 75 hours observing performance based duties, tasks, and responsibilities specific to a job in a particular career that requires postsecondary education.

Innovation in
Product Design
& Development

Work independently or in a team to design and develop an innovative method and/or product for industry, community, or individual utility, using an approved design process. Justification of the need for the innovation must be provided and based on research. Business and industry support will be engaged in the project for expertise only. All phases of the work must be recorded, and included in the paper and presentation.


Participate in a paid or unpaid internship as determined by the employer, in a professional workplace specific to the student’s academy and/or pathway program. The student will spend a minimum of 75 hours learning and executing performance based duties, tasks, and responsibilities specific to the particular career being studied. The career must require postsecondary education.

Leadership Project

Create, develop, lead and manage an event, activity, etc., in which other students, adults, and/or community members are engaged. The project must include specific and measurable outcomes that demonstrate benefit to an organization (in-school, non-profit, for profit, government, etc.)

Research Project

Complete research to answer a scientifically posed question and establish facts through supervised experimentation, or a systematic investigation related to the student’s career interest. The student must work with an appropriate partner (business/postsecondary) to develop the question to be investigated and if experimental, a hypothesis.

Service Learning

Identify a project and complete a minimum of 75 hours of service learning in which the student is required to use current course learning outcomes to meet goals of service learning project.

Work-Based Learning

Complete a minimum of 75 hours working in the pathway related industry for which the student has completed a minimum of 2 courses. The student will prepare for the experience in rigorous academic and CTE courses, and be prepared to meet employer expectations. This should be reserved for students with the opportunity for early release time.

Directed Studies Learning

What was your project, who was your mentor, how was your project connected to your career path and research topic? Talk briefly about what you learned with specific examples from your project. Make sure that you explain how you spent your fieldwork hours and your relationship with your mentor.



The Molokai HS Capstone Project affords students the ability to demonstrate their proficiency in the General Learner Outcomes (GLOs), personal responsibility and life skills, and career and college readiness while showcasing their individual talents and passions.

Successful completion of all of the components (Product, Paper, Portfolio and Presentation) are required in order for a student to participate in the graduation ceremony.

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